When you are investing in real estate, stocks or any other market, you are not just putting in your money, but efforts, time and other resources as well. Your goal is to make a profit or get an advantage in some other form. To maximize your success, you do not only need to work on new skills but also stay up-to-date with the latest happenings in that market. There can be different sources of information you need. You can read blogs of the leading investors and key players in the market. You can also subscribe to top investment magazines in the UK. Your goal should be reading daily or weekly updates on the overall condition of the market you are targeting. It keeps you current and focused. You have a promising investment plan but if you are not learning adequately, you might miss a lot of opportunities and have to wait for the next quarter. When you are reading top investment magazines, investment stays in your mind and you can come with new ideas. You acquire kn...